web: www.dinicugolescu.ro
Dinicu Golescu High School (Colegiul Național "Dinicu Golescu") is a comprehensive four-year high school enrolling 734 students in grades 9–12 and 124 students in its five secondary classes. The school opened in 10/16/1894 and graduated its first senior class in the summer of 1898. Dinicu Golescu High School is accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education. It is ranked in the top ten high schools at the national level due to its 95% achievement graduation results, with 90% of the students proceeding to higher education. It takes pride in its students’ national awards and distinctions in subjects such as French, English, German, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Economics, Geography, History, Biology and Chemistry, as well as gold and silver medals in the Computer Science International Olympiad in the last four years.. The school is a predominantly white, non-integrated school in a community, Campulung-Muscel, spanning 11.7 km2 and serves the educational needs of Arges county, that is 12 rural communities in the surrounding areas. The student body is not culturally diverse with a population that is 95% Romanian and 5% rroma etnicity. Dinicu Golescu High School caters for all its students’ needs, supplimenting school’s curriculum with a wide range of extracurricular activities ranging from informal education activities in science and languages to sports competitions, among which volleyball, basketball and football ones are by far the most popular.